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For centuries the 'boerhoorn' (farmer's horn) was an important instrument in the daily lives of the people of Drenthe. It was used by the 'boerrigter', the most important farmer in the village, to call together all the members of the boermarke. Until this day the 'boerhoorn' symbolises the Drenthe sense of community.
As the richest farmer in the village, the 'boerrigter' was responsible for village matters. When taking important decisions, at the start of the harvest, or to announce other important events, the boerrigter would blow the boerhoorn. The sound meant that all the farmers had to join the assembly within half an hour. Anyone who was absent would be given a fine.
Open Air
The farmers usually met in the open air. This could be the village field, but also under an oak tree or at one of the farms in the village.
Go Discover
The Drents Museum has a number of fine examples of these 'farmer's horns' in its collection.